Project details

Project Information


Project acronym


Project title

Innovative modelling approaches for predicting Socio-environMentAl evolution in highly anthRopized coasTal LAGOONs

Starting date

January 1, 2021

Project duration

48 months



Project officer

Darina Botsova (European Commission)

Project manager

David C. Heiser (UCAM)

Grant agreement


Funding institution


Funded under


Funding scheme

RIA – Research and Innovation action

Working program

H2020-EU.1.2.2. – FET Proactive: Boosting emerging technologies

Field of Science

Environmental sciences, Cyber-physical systems, Environmental monitoring systems, Social sciences, interdisciplinary, Simulation engineering and modelling


FETPROACT-EIC-08-2020 – Environmental Intelligence

Call identifier


Overall budget

€ 3 981 907,50

EU contribution

€ 3 972 313,71

Project Partners


UCAM – Fundación Universitaria San Antonio de Murcia, Spain

Project Management and Ethics requirements

UPV – Universitat Politècnica De València, Spain

Efficient data collection and sensing

Vielca Ingenieros Sa, España

Production of reports on publicly available socio-environmental variables

Wateritech Aps, Dinamarca

Digital twin development

UNIBO – Alma Mater Studiorum – Bologna University, Italy

Citizens engagement, collaboration, communication, dissemination & exploitation

Photrack Ag, Suiza

Innovation Management Plan

UU – Uppsala Universitet, Sweden

Innovative modelling of environmental processes

NIVA – Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway

Socio-environmental dynamics modelling


Proyectos Pathfinder





Principal Roles


UCAM – Fundación Universitaria San Antonio de Murcia, Spain


Coordinator and task leader WP 5.5

Javier Senent-Aparicio

Task leader WP 3.3

Adrián Lopez Ballesteros

Participation in WP 2

Francisco José Segura Méndez

Task leader WP 3.4

Patricia Jimeno Saez

Support to coordination and management WP6, communication and dissemination of the project WP7

David Christopher Heiser

UPV – Universitat Politècnica De València, Spain


Responsible for coordinating the work in WP2 and contributor to Task 2.3

José M. Cecilia

Design of the IoT infrastructure developed in Task 2.3

Pietro Manzoni

Oversee the development of green ICT technology to increase the computing power of IoT infrastructure

Federico Silla

Video and images processed with algorithms developed in Task 2.2

Carlos T. Calafate

Coordination of the physical deployment of the IoT infrastructure developed in Task 2.3

Juan-Carlos Cano

Design NLP techniques to enrich social media detection information in Task 2.5

Carlos Periñán-Pascual

Vielca Ingenieros Sa, España


Coordination of survey campaigns and active participation in workshops. Definition of BMPs and policies related to flood mitigation measure

Pablo Blanco-Gómez

Definition of BMPs and water pollution control policies. Responsible for dissemination of results with stakeholders

Noelia Giner-Galera

Wateritech Aps, Dinamarca


Leader of WP5, and key partner in WP3

Dennis Trolle

Co-leader of WP5, and key partner in WP3

Anders Nielsen

UNIBO Alma Mater Studiorum – Bologna University, Italy


Coordination for the achievement of project goals with gamification, crowdsourcing and citizen science,
and designing interactive strategies to engage citizens in citizen science events, with digital tools and a dissemination strategy

Catia Prandi

Development and deployment of multimedia systems and location-based mobile systems, designed to make information accessible to large communities of users

Silvia Mirri

Content writer and designer freelance

Mianù Catenaro

Photrack Ag, Suiza


Leader Task 2.2 and 5.2, development of AI for environmental monitoring in WP2

Salvador Peña-Haro

Development of AI for environmental monitoring in WP2

Beat Lüthi

UU – Uppsala Universitet, Sweden


Leader WP3 and Development of a monitoring buoy, supporting the development and testing of models based on processing and machine learning models and predictions

Dr Don Pierson

Leader of the development, construction, and testing of the monitoring buoy. Maintenance of the buoy and support in processing the collected data

William Colom-Montero

NIVA – Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway


Leader Socio-environmental dynamics modelling WP4

Isabel Seifert-Dähnn

Task Leader WP4.3

Line J. Barkved

Task Leader WP4.4

Valentina Tartiu