SMARTLAGOON > Conferences  > SMARTLAGOON at the 2023 Denmark SWAT Conference

SMARTLAGOON at the 2023 Denmark SWAT Conference

From June 26th to 30th, our researchers of the European project SMARTLAGOON attended the 2023 Denmark SWAT Conference. This congress held at the Aarhus University had a massive participation with more than 170 participants from 41 different countries.

Under the titles “Developing a high-resolution global digital soil map for enhanced hydrological modelling with the SWAT+ model” and “Evaluating the hydrological performance of three global digital soil maps using SWAT+” the researchers Adrián López-Ballesteros and Gerardo Castellanos-Osorio presented the results obtained in the paper “DSOLMap, a novel high-resolution global digital soil property map for the SWAT + model: Development and hydrological evaluation”. This research details how they have created a new global map of soil types with the aim of improving hydrological models, using the design generated in the SMARTLAGOON project as a model example. This Mar Menor model will be implemented in new versions of the digital twin being built, offering better spatial resolution and greater discretization of soils.

You can read the full article through the following link:
